Hi Equise,
Thanks for your response. The geoengineering of our sky’s has always been a “no brainer” for me. I’ve always been an early riser watching the sunrise…..and I’ve lived very close to nature for my entire life…….so when I first saw the sky’s being sprayed I instantly said “whoa, that’s not normal or natural” and I began researching it. I struggled with myself for several months, read every piece available, both pro and con, and became very confused…..wondering if I could possibly be wrong in my interpretation of what I was seeing. The government sites tried to pass it off as nothing more than condensation trails….. and make anyone who saw through their lies into a conspiracy nut to shut them up……and they have done a masterful job of making people believe them. But we were all born with the ability to think and reason and sort out lies from truth. So my conclusion was simple when I asked myself……..
Who are you going to believe, the government or your lying eyes???????? All the best to you Equise!!