lol on the smiley face.
Yea not everyone can do or want to do computers or machines.
While watching shark tank the other day they made a deal with a start up company but only if they outsourced to China. I got to hand it to them they refused said they want their product to be made in the US. They said moms coming in saying they wanted anything made in USA not China. They got another offer from another took it and didn’t outsource. They were Chinese Americans. Americans
We have businesses undercutting honest businesses with things like Free over time out bidding the honest companies like CSC a Airforce guy told me about when they merged or going to with HP.
Taxes and Regs from clueless corrupt politicians is a big part of it and now gheir OBAMA care. It’s not all of it when they set a green light to corporate corruption cutting wages for maximum profit to appease Wall Street investors because they must keep increasing profits even if it means laying off the people who made them rich. If not Wall Street their own pocket books. People are now temp workers. Then when they need their drive and or expertise they want them and gone when they think they can make it without them and or replace with cheaper labor. I feel bad for the young these days because they will have to learn to be multitasers. Others in management will learn to be corrupt and the ones who actually do the work will have to be aware in that case. I quit one job due to corruption and they lost their clients from the veterans and Kaiser. Another they had to replace me with two people so that cost them. I took their clients. In the meantime they will have to be aware of where jobs are moving and head in that direction best suited for them and not to get too tired to keep looking. It’s no longer about being loyal to some companies or define yourself by your job alone because your just expendable to them but to look after yourself. Yea your right when no ones buying. Meanwhile the focus should be in the government.