Posted by treefrog
@ 23:42 on June 30, 2016
o “sane one,”
for years i was the one in the family that marched to the beat of a different guitar. recently, however, i have had to yield that place to my brother. he lives in scotland, and has taken to weaving wicker things from the local willows. his son, my nephew is an architecture drop-out from oxford. for a while he lived in a tree. in a very artistically wrought tree house. he finally met a nice woman who coaxed him back to earth and gave him two babes – my great nephew and niece. i helped them level the foundations for the house they built in my brother’s vegetable garden.
here is my brother with his new hat:
some people think he’s a wizzard, but i knew him before that.
Posted by WANKA
@ 23:33 on June 30, 2016
contingency is like that!
Posted by treefrog
@ 23:28 on June 30, 2016
Posted by WANKA
@ 23:27 on June 30, 2016

Posted by WANKA
@ 23:18 on June 30, 2016
I always leaned toward lawyers who were mad hatters!!!!! YA_HOOO I want another drink of teaqula
Posted by WANKA
@ 23:07 on June 30, 2016

and customisable too. best of cheers wj
Posted by ipso facto
@ 22:35 on June 30, 2016
So … they’re like “tame” lawyers. 
At least they have incentive to finish the lawsuit.
Posted by treefrog
@ 22:24 on June 30, 2016
netdania just printed NINETEEN DOLLARS!
Posted by Buygold
@ 21:50 on June 30, 2016
Posted by newtogold
@ 21:47 on June 30, 2016
Will we see that tomorrow? Tonight overnight? Or will the Cretins and London Monkeys hold the line below that?
OOPS! For some reason I was thinking 19.15 not 20.15 tonight We did touch 19 for a moment. Hope we hit that mark again Never know with the Banks being so far in the hole on their shorts as to where it will be in the morning. Fingers crossed for anything close to the current mark of 18.94!!!!
Posted by treefrog
@ 21:33 on June 30, 2016
in the thirty years donald trump has been in the public eye, nobody called him racist until he started to run against democrats.

Posted by silverngold
@ 21:05 on June 30, 2016
How about HUI???? +148.6%
And lots of miners well over that!!
Posted by goldielocks
@ 20:21 on June 30, 2016
I’ll go with the brain dead incompetent leading the brain dead free loaders who’s what are you going to do when you grow up answer is blow themselves up. Like they care. How about cops doing their jobs and arresting these losers. Id say if they want to make a wrist band they should make one with a really loud high pitched alarm. But the problem is no one will come anyways. They’re like that commercial where the security guard in the bank says they just monitor for robbery they don’t do anything about it. There’s a robbery. They need to get their pansy askes out of their PC safe space or quit and go hide in it and give the job to someone who can do it. They act like their dealing with kindergarteners instead of criminals. So if a girl isn’t wearing that wrist band are they going to blame her for not being stupid enough to buy it and support this stupid man? I bet kids won’t read that one in the history books. We had to bail them out once in WW11 and now we know why but this time we may have our own problems and they might be on their own.
Posted by WANKA
@ 20:10 on June 30, 2016
Posted by treefrog
@ 19:39 on June 30, 2016
hong kong opens at 8:30 p.m. eastern time. does anybody know what time shanghai and the other asian markets open?
Posted by WANKA
@ 19:26 on June 30, 2016
just what we need for safety…an arm band saying don’t touch me….yup that will keep the ignorant dumb down barbarian knuckle dragger at bay…great thinker the police chief is…..i’ll hang up me 45 and make sure my daughter wears her armband…..YIKES FRIGHTENING…..HOW FREAKING STUPID CAN THIS POLICE CHIEF BE????? OR IS THIS JUST A STRANGE BAD JOKE ON SOCIETY OR HAVE THESE LIBTARDS TRULY MORFED INTO BRAINLESS ZOMBIES? wj
Posted by ipso facto
@ 19:17 on June 30, 2016
What if the rapist is illiterate? Did they think about that? 
Seriously, did someone think this wristband would make any difference?
Posted by Farmboy
@ 18:52 on June 30, 2016
Instead of all that money spent on ammo and guns they could have had their nails done.
Posted by commish
@ 18:51 on June 30, 2016
Silver + 33.8%
Gold + 24.2%
DJIA +2.5%

Posted by Farmboy
@ 17:55 on June 30, 2016
Will give those charts some serious looking over this evening. Greatly appreciated my friend.
Posted by WANKA
@ 17:55 on June 30, 2016
can;t ya post them posts a little bigger can’t cha?
Posted by WANKA
@ 17:48 on June 30, 2016
but in reality the lawyers are in my hands………they are on contingency”’with these class action suits. one on silver and one on gold too. question is if we win which I believe we will how much of the class does the class get? could be 3x but then again most class action are settled way before a jury. lawyers are 40% of claim minus COSTS off the top. however if its fully adjudicated and won at 3x some real kabula could be made. I flooped a total of 155k in 2008 so whatever comes home is found moola….if nothing no strain. I still be the happy camper I am at 70….
Posted by Farmboy
@ 17:47 on June 30, 2016

Thought maybe you might find a little inspiration in there somewhere. Great to see you around and about these parts again. Best, Farmboy
Posted by Maya
@ 17:07 on June 30, 2016
“’I’m in the hands of the lawyers”
No wonder you were in the hospital! Be well, old friend. I’ve been considering adding an Oxygen tanker to the train for you. 
Posted by Maddog
@ 16:07 on June 30, 2016
Metals looking good, so hope they drag the PM stox tomorrow.