Looked around this morning got some info not verified central banks were buying that contributed to this rise. Until now it was either gonna run either way but still looked like it could gain for now. I wouldn’t be too bullish for rise about 1300 now a resistance area until it moves to 1280-90 witg caution but if you wait too long after might be hard to git a good bid. But then it’s for strong nerves and mental stops and watching patterns. We still have interest rate rises that could bring it back down for now. I think we will have the dollar and gold plus probably commodities pull just not at same time. Have to keep a eye on other sectors overseas.
Like the Chinese are still buying.
Can guess a safe haven for rising interest rates in the US. Now just that on global scale. Be they allow their currency to decline or they sell US reserves to keep the yuan afloat they are as citizens I understanding restricted in buying dollars. Either way it will create demand. It also helps the confidence is yuan’s value. For the government and the ones who can afford it.