I agree, Judith is worth spending a little time with. She exudes honesty and sincerity and is only interested in the integrity of the science; not trying to push an agenda for her own personal gain. We need many more like her and James Corbett in this world.
For myself and the flack I sometimes receive, I don’t mind it as much as I do the silence, which to me represents apathy or not wanting to face the fact that these things are happening. The way I figure it is this. If we all lose our health and our lives (and the lives of our future generations) because we sit back and say nothing and do nothing while a depopulation agenda is being carried out through the United Nations NWO Agenda 21 using vaccines, food toxins, GMO’s,weather warfare (geo-engineering), lab created virus and bacteria, and corrupt governments to carry them out, then it won’t matter at all what the Precious Metals do, because we will all be dead and the earth right along with us.
Most would be surprised at how much screening I do before I post something, and if I am still not certain of the content but feel it needs the light of day so others can decide on its merits I post it “FWIW”, For What It’s Worth.
I wonder how many will even bother to read this post and be willing to state their opinion of it, either good or bad?? Or will it just be more silence?? LOL!!! All the best to you Equise from Silverngold.