Don’t be mislead by the narrator trying to steer your thinking in the wrong direction, which he surely is by using half truths or outright lies.
This is a very good presentation using names of some of the knowledgeable geoengineering experts to try to gloss over the fact that it is NOT silver iodide that is the primary ingredient in geoengineering, and in fact seldom is silver iodide even listed as even a small component of the lab tests made from rain water and soil samples to determine what in the world they are spraying. During this presentation the narrator only mentions those universal chemicals ONE TIME that are identified in almost EVERY lab tests around the globe, but he mentions silver iodide many dozens of times throughout the video. Those actual chemicals that he only mentions once but are used in almost all cases as proven in the lab tests are Aluminum, Barium, strontium, and magnesium, and his silver iodide is almost never listed with the possible exception of private small cloud seeding aircraft in some isolated local areas.
So like I said, the presentation is very well done but obviously intended to mislead the public and gloss over the fact that what they ARE ACTUALLY SPRAYING is killing life on the planet as well as adversely affecting the climate. I also disagree that this geoengineering agenda is not a weather warfare weapon since it is responsible for directing the weather and causing the worst flooding or droughts or earthquakes or tsunami’s the earth has ever seen as they perfect their geoengineering abilities.
So I hope you will watch the video but please don’t be mislead.
ipso facto @ 11:32 on June 17, 2016 Coeur Mining (Coeur D’Alene) CDE I DONT TRUST THEM
The only Silver company I wouldent touch with a Ten Foot Pole…I have a long memory of how many reverse splits they did to their Stockholders who saw their equity go to zero …and whats this move to Chicago all about ..Who the Hell would go there ? from Idaho ..such a beautiful place ….It looks to me a PURELY POLITICAL MOVE ..Thats the message Im Getting …..I dont trust them one BIT….
treefrog @ 12:48….That was a GREAT song, even if it was political
Bryan Lewis is a great country artist that I’ve not heard before. Loved every word!! Thanks for sharing it!!
Thanks Farmboy
I’ll check it out, probably tomorrow though because today is fishing day.
You know what’s interesting is that the commercials always seem to match the funds’ long positions on a 1:1 basis. So, either the commercials are playing both sides or they are just trying to stem the rise with their shorts?
I’ll tell you, I tend to get more nervous when I see the commercials get a bunch of long positions that they can dump on the market at inopportune times.
All JMHO of course…..
Auandag @ 23:22 Great Cartoon !
Always admire those political essayists who use drawings more than words. A God given talent I’m sure in the way they capture events in picture form and the meanings that they can convey so accurately and powerfully without word.
I noted perhaps a subtle message in that drawing in the way Obama has his hand on the shoulder of the Islamic terrorist. Almost as if he knew, or sympathized with the man. Like he was a friend, or buddy. I am not sure that is not true. Muslim to Muslim kinda thing ?
Thanks for posting that one, passing it down the line.
Buygold, About Those COT Reports
If you are up to some weekend reading, perhaps you will join me in some study of those COT reports. Perhaps, we can gain a greater understanding of those weekly figures, and even better, gain an edge in our trading. Found a book that addresses the subject.
LEXAM From….04 to .19since Jan
What part of 500 % dont you understand ?