Your win xp sounds like a good candidate for a Linux version…I use Ubuntu 14 on my old windows xp desk top ..I installed an earlier version ubuntu 10 if i recall correctly on my wifes win xp I think it was …If you have nothing to lose on any computer you dont use any more why not experiment installing a Ubuntu version on it.The latest versions wouldent work on the old xp ,so simply try whatever version of Ubuntu linux will install …It will tell you itself if it can install it. DONT experiment with any computer you depend on.. start with something so out of date if something goes wrong it dont matter..Ubuntu self installs usually.Its best to learn on an old computer thats become useless to you.
If its currently useless to you thats what you want to experment with.
I cannot help you because there are so many variables ….Just dont use anything you depend on…
If you are successful it can give you years of extended life for an old computer that microsoft wont support anymore ….
If win 7 is your latest version..I would NOT fool with that although Im sure it can be converted ,but you can be expected to lose everything on it… REPEAT I would not experiment with anything I depend on ,,another reason you will not be able to re install windows …theres no going back !