That story is way way out of line. TPTB have been doing everything possible to keep their new world order going. The new world order started slowly after 1913. WW I, roaring $printing 20s, the Great Depression, Gold ownership banned, WW II, Korea, Vietnam, on and on and on.
Nine eleven 2001, was the tipping point. The BEGINNING of the slow motion end of the (old) new world order, which is now old worn out and decrepit. 9/11/01 forced rates down, and they practically FORCED loans on unqualified borrowers, just so poor people could spend money into their man made false economy.
After the ’08 crash, the first “eye wall” TPTB succeeded to get things “spinning” again, without the beef. They literally put the US economy in the “eye” of the storm. We are now approaching the opposite “eye wall”. After the obvious ramifications transitioning thru that second eye wall, things will get better for the USA.
The same people that gave Iran the Shaw of Iran, gave the USA Obama, and all the prior presidents EXCEPT, JFK and Ron Reagan. Only two patriotic out-siders that were NOT supposed to win.
Ron Reagan, was NOT really in power. He could not stop or help the USA at all to abort Globalization.