Good evening,
I too support Mr. Copper insight…..the Brexit win was “allowed”. Hence what is to come next is frankly part of their overall pathway to their NWO. Why now? The financial matrix of our world is so integrated and controlled that nothing is by chance. The only point which could prevail is the old blood of national identity and pride. Could this false flag boomerang on them?….I so hope this will occur.
The real story will be played out in gold and silver in the coming weeks and months. If the “old relic” is allow to redefine itself back to historical global reserve monetary strength…it would indicate a possible demise of the Global fiat empire system of today. The boomerang…..people understand the world is not and will not integrate into one big happy family………Frankly the controllers know this within their own real daily life…..think security, gated communities, get away yachts , super private jet fleets… To suggest, poor under educated, masses, would arrive in THEIR neighborhood is and will never happen….hence the strength of the hypocrisy .
( The power to print is the ultimate control. Unlimited power/corruption. A dream of past empires! As long as the illusion remains.) they have had this tool since 1913….as mentioned by Mr. copper.
Another unfortunate fact is the news….the newswires are controlled ..hence the difficulty get out the truth…..I am certain anyone reading here fully understands the realities and difficulties…
The world populations recognizes that our governments are not for the peoples. Very simply put !! Hence there is always hope. I believe…..