They are not margined and have no debt and therefore not subject to sell off pressure to make margin calls…in DOW & S&P ..if im correct ! Individual stocks may incur some selling pressure to make margin calls..This will leave the Gold Funds very intact and positioned more attractive as safer Gold investments than individual stocks. Also most Funds are now Royalty RICH ,holding large amounts of Royal Gold ,Franco Nevada, Silver Wheaton and in the case of TGLDX Gold Bullion coins…!
I correctly rode out the metals decline in Royalties and now My Gold Funds may lead the way up as well….The diversity of Royalties is also abetted by the diversity of Gold Funds in General .
The future prospect of DIVIDENDS from the Royalties is OUTSTANDING AND WILL ENHANCE THE DIVIDEND PROSPECTS OF THE fUNDS ALONG WITH long term capital gains TAX BENEFITS …ta da !
ITS BETTER THAN cash ..(negative interest rate) AND FAR SAFER than even a BANK ACCOUNT as evidenced by the previous POST ..commish @ 13:23 on June 27, 2016 ,..Better than BONDS paying ZERO with HUGE Default Prospects ….Whats NOT to LIKE ?