Kerry was on Bloomberg discussing Britexit.
Was he in London when he mumbled about how close we are with our greatest allies and friends of the UK?
Nope, he was in Brussels hunkered down in private meetings with the globalists. They despise the UK moving from globalism to independence and home based government. Obama hates what he sees as a fellow colonial power.
After WW2 thanked America profusely and gifted a bust of Churchill for WH display commemorating our unity in power. Obama returned that bust immediately after taking office. an insult indicating his contempt for our alliance.
Now Kerry goes not to London to help our friends in turmoil but to the EU bosses who the UK voters rejected.
They fear more exits and a weakened position of globalist bureau powers over governments.
Watch out England, big brother has you in their sights.
They will seek to punish the UK for putting their autonomy first. This is very telling and another insult by Obama to our UK friends.
They want to teach you a lesson for challenging the power of international finance and manipulators. They are plotting now or Kerry would be in London. We are on the wrong side of this.
Constitutional patriots watching
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