The future is always a surprise, even for the master planners. when unintended consequences pop up. The Betting Markets had it all wrong re Brexit. I also hear the Betting Markets have Hillary as the winner. So now we know that one is wrong too.
The global situation is now too big and too complicated for the central planners to manage. So in everybody’s best interests, separate pockets of independence are better than one big global economy. (global socialism) (Corporate Greed)
The wealthy countries have to extricate themselves from the poor countries that have to be cut loose to fend for themselves. Like when Ron Reagan thru millions off welfare. Called it welfare to workfare.
The global establishment HATED pockets of independence. That’s why they always gave Iran, N. Korea, and Cuba a hard time. The same global gov’t that put the Shah of Iran in power, and told the world the USA did it, probably put Obama, Bush 11, Clinton, and Bush I in power.