OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 11:21 on July 5, 2016  

Right and obvious to anyone with half a brain. More quid quo pro. They stay in power and elections rigged for the them. I hope it comes back and bites them in the ask. With Hillary we are one Judge away from losing our constitution.  Calif now Moonbeam Jerry just signed a bill that guns can’t have more then 10 rounds or you have to turn them in and fast button reloads will no longer be sold. On top of that you have to get a background check every time you buy ammo . Just another way for Jerry to fund his and his friends salary and pensions. I heard some pansy on the radio this morning talking about people for home defense don’t need all those bullets anyways. So that’s a excuse? What about target practice, sport shooting and hunting. Then ihe complains about congress ” upholding the constitution” like it means nothing to him and in the same breath complained about congress not stopping people on terrorist lists. Really? Who took them off terrorist list? Obama? And even hired some of them. Then turn around and use it for gun control on the law abiding citizens. Then he talks about a book he wrote about the Holocaust. Did he learn nothing? The survivors warned how Hitler decided people were getting hurt with guns and made them turn them in. And who are all these people these cowards are  shooting up, armed citizens? He needs to go back and hide in his safe place. I heard Obama is going to help promote Killery. I’m sure he has special interest too. Probably trying to get the clueless and black vote. The blacks I know said Theyre not even voting this year. They don’t like Hillary and know she’s a crook or the ones I know  and pro demo so won’t vote Trump either.

Did you see that Waters show where he interviews people. They didn’t even know what forth July was about. Who we fought,  anything. Same for WW11 they’d say stuff like the French, the Russians??  nor what the Cold War was either. Only a few could answer pro Trump the pro Killary were clueless.. One thing they all agreed on was the economy giving it a D rating average.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.