That was fun to read, and is related to my disciplinarian post at 14:59. Many of the “little people” disciplinarians, progressed, and got elected or employed in various jobs.
I took a few words out of that story that relate to my view about many of the little tyrants out there. When I was a kid, we burned leaves in the street. We could let our dog Pokey go outside by himself, all day, and the neighbors used to feed him. Real estate and Stock market sales were not even reported. We were trusted.
The entertainment you consume, and the education of your children.
You must be carefully watched over by imperfect human beings, like your neighbors or the village building code enforcement and the uncontrollable self-importance of village trustees etc.
You are an enemy of the control freaks if you don’t freely and spontaneously agree with their thoughts.
They don’t like being disagreed with re their authoritarian whims and are certified professional troublemakers