OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Maddog, To Tell Ya The Truth, I’m A Little Worried About Those Debates.

Posted by Farmboy @ 17:06 on July 12, 2016  

Decided to go get a haircut this morning and the boys down at the Two Bit, Flea Bit, Barber Shop had plenty to say about the coming debates. Some even made a little sense and showed some unusual insights. Let me highlight the conversation for you minus the fishing tales, (lies) and gossip about the upcoming dance sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary otherwise known as the Official Town Gossip Bench & Choir.


Most folks think Hillary is a lying, cheating, lying, stealing, lying, good for nothing, lying woman. Who even lies in her sleep. She lies on her right side, and rolls over to lie on her left side. While on the other hand, most think Trump is a pretty straight shooting fella. Now normally we like to think that the Truth is always the best policy, but most of us plopped in the chairs getting our best look on, have been around nearly as long as Moses and have seen those who can tell the best lie often get away with it. Especially when children are involved. Those kids will believe nearly anything you tell em, which is a good thing when Grandpas start to telling stories.

And those Democrats are mostly just a bunch of children that aint never growed up, still expecting someone else to feed em, buy them candy, and talk sweetly to them. So Hillary gets a leg up on the debate from the get go.

Now the Republicans aint no saints themselves. But mostly, they tend to tell something closer to the truth and think the Constitution is a good measuring stick to run a country. Republicans are pretty poor at lying. Nixon was one of the worst liars I have ever seen. And he had this guilt complex when he got caught in a lie. Resigning after deleting 18 minutes of an audio tape.( Not to be confused with deleting 30,000 emails. And getting away with it scot free.)

But the problem with Republicans is they have seen the bad boys and girls stealing from the candy jar for years. And lying about, and getting away with it. So some of them want to get their share of the candy before its all gone and have mimicked what the Democrats have been doing for decades. And they would rather have Hillary win than have Trump take away the candy bowl. So I expect there may be some hanky panky on the part of the GOP to sabotage any debates in favor of Hillary.

Ever play ‘Liars Poker’? Well think of the debates as favoring the best liar. In which case, Trump is outclassed, out gunned,  out experienced, and would probably look guilty as hell if he did tell a lie. He even looks uncomfortable using that greatest of liars tools, the teleprompter.

Most of us are hoping the Trump does well. Ok, most of us are hoping Trump gets under Hillary’s skin enough to drive her stark raving mad. Course, we are not sure how you would know that had happened as she pretty much looks that way all the time. I hope they just let Trump be Trump, and dont try to make him look ‘Presidential’, and make him read from a teleprompter. Seems to me he has a quick enough mind, sharp wit, and will do really well if just left to his own devices. And besides, he has Truth on his side and the old farts down at the barber shop still think that is the best policy, win or lose.

And we have all agreed on one thing. Dont run no damn debates while a football game is on. Run em during those soap operas or reality TV shows, or even the nightly news, but leave us old ones alone during game time, and for heaven’s sake, dont touch our remotes!

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.