We have all witnessed …
Where could i start?..trillions created and the killing global pathway. We sent real citizens to kill millions of sand people.
Oh ,I forgot..buildings can become dust and free fall. I did mention even when they were not “hit by planes” ..and even when the world population knows ..in their
hearts.. World WIDE!! …WTF is this about. But they all know..truth..
allow me to share..we were all silent and WE allowed the killed of them.we killed millions of sand people..
The question veterans in American..kill themselves ..20 a day far exceeding the entire world ..my heart breaks ..why..
Now realize..the power..actually all of the principles…in a lawless land..we are here. I marvel at the fear to share.
The power of money..the key of the illusion of the Big Picture..the illusion..and we all know..