Maybe she promised it to the fbi director
…is still vetting her v.p. picks. she can’t decide between an lgbt and an illegal.
Seems the usdx has gained a little strength . It should have moved significantly higher on the second lose above 96.00. It may be consolidating for a move higher or distribution for a move down.
election year markets are always a little stupid. Bonds and stocks are in a bubble never imagined. Caution is in order .
The World has Passed Me by
When I went to High School ,it was an ALL BOYS SCHOOL in Elizabeth NJ,…
The reason was for quite some time prior to my Graduating more than half the Graduating Girls were pregnant ..So to solve the “PROBLEM” they separated the High School into an all Girls school (Batton High),and an All Boys School Jefferson High). I guess thats when Men were Men and women were women .Now theres a population drop everywhere ! Maybe theres something in the water or the Gay Lesbian thing is getting out of hand …I cant comprehend ! Its so foreign to me ! HOW did this happen ! maybe I should volunteer if they need help ! I’ll do it for my country patriotic to a fault …..hehe ….yes I can !(The Debil made me say Dat
Germany tries to solve low birth rate problem….
Either the Refugee men are really stupid ,or German women are really homely ….
Insanity at its best ….. Believe it or not, Germany is creating flirting courses to help refugee men get lucky. Yes, taxpayer money is now being used to get the refugees lucky with German girls. So if you thought you have seen it all, well, the insanity never ends. There is always room for more when politicians are involved.
Germany passes Japan to have world’s lowest birth rate – study
29 May 2015
- From the section Europe
A study says Germany’s birth rate has slumped to the lowest in the world, prompting fears labour market shortages will damage the economy.
Germany has dropped below Japan to have not just the lowest birth rate across Europe but also globally, according to the report by Germany-based analysts.
Its authors warned of the effects of a shrinking working-age population.
They said women’s participation in the workforce would be key to the country’s economic future.
In Germany, an average of 8.2 children were born per 1,000 inhabitants over the past five years, according to the study by German auditing firm BDO with the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI).
It said Japan saw 8.4 children born per 1,000 inhabitants over the same time period.
In Europe, Portugal and Italy came in second and third with an average of 9.0 and 9.3 children, respectively. France and the UK both had an average of 12.7 births per 1,000 inhabitants.
Meanwhile, the highest birth rates were in Africa, with Niger at the top of the list with 50 births per 1,000 people.
Higher wage costs
Germany’s falling birth rate means the percentage of people of working age in the country – between 20 and 65 – would drop from 61% to 54% by 2030, Henning Voepel, director of the HWWI, said in a statement (in German).
Arno Probst, a BDO board member, said employers in Germany faced higher wage costs as a result.
“Without strong labour markets, Germany cannot maintain its economic edge in the long run,” he added.
Experts disagree over the reasons for Germany’s low birth rate, as well as the ways to tackle the situation.
Mr Probst said the country would need young immigrant workers to fill the significant skills gap. And more women were needed in the workforce to avoid economic problems.
Germany has one of the highest migration rates in the world, but has also seen growing support for anti-immigration party Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD).
The latest birth rate figures comes despite efforts by Mrs Merkel’s government to invest in childcare support.
Farmboy @ 15:24 on July 18, 2016
A Command ? Thats not me !…I may have my own views of things ,but its never intended to impose my view on anyone. I like to say after I give an opinion …”its your money” ! That kinda sums it up ..its my way of saying take responsibility for your own actions ! I will debate ..give my view…argue maybe …but in the end “its your money”..
I think the chart says ..dont plant corn in december,plant grass seed in december…or winter wheat…plant tomatos in the spring after last frost. If in doubt check with the Farmers almanac …planting Silver seeds check the Season ,by quality seed (pick the right stock) leave the rest up to Good Fortune and God..Sometimes a farmer needs to replant if disaster strikes but its still early enough to replant … other words NO GUARANTEE even if you follow the rules..
Start with the Season and go from there ! Tis the Season !
Watching CNBS and Ron Paul interview
gotta tell ya, he’s totally against Trump. No idea if he knows Trump is controlled opposition but was asked if a vote against Trump was a vote FOR Clinton. He had no good answer…
What the hell is going on in this country? Never know who is on our side.
Nice close for us good guys today
Silver finished slightly up as did the HUI.
More confirmation this is our time?
The SM just drifts higher, simply amazing. IBM has 17th straight quarter of earnings declines yet stock is up AH. Nothing short of miraculous.
I’ll stick with pm’s thank you very much…
Exactly, they’re like motor mouths. They cut the guest speakers off all the time. Sometimes it’s controlled like that instance where they want to pull it in another direction but Clarke holds his own. Sometimes they mean well but their interruption is overkill and takes credibility away.
I saw someone on Trump a female speaker talking about Trumps negative comments. They should really point out what negative statements about Trump was made before he went back at them. It’s like they can do and say whatever they want including put a poster up with Trump kissing Cruz and thats okay but critize Trump and God himself. I guess if they can critize God anything is open season so who’s negative when all they preach is hate and pander to it then try to turn it around.
Meanwhile are you watching the convention. There’s people there trying to stop Trump like bound delegates hiding.
Someone unloaded on SLW today
The last transaction was a sell of 69,519 shares at $26.39 which is $1,834,606. Wonder what tomorrow brings?
Scratch Your Head No More, This May Explain Stock Market Rally
There’s something eerily familiar about the recent market bounce
When The Hell Are They Going To Bop That Dollar??
What are they waiting for?? Its only up there because of that Brexit Day.
goldielocks @ 11:48 I Like The Way You Summarized It !
Used to be in the old days a ‘journalist’ would never talk over a ‘Guest’. Would be courteous, even if he did not agree with what the guest had to say. Would ask intelligent, follow up, type of questions and allow the guest to answer them. This punk who CNN thinks is a journalist sought rather to engage the Sheriff in argument, intended solely to respite the Sheriff’s point of view, and in my opinion got his ass handed to him on a silver badge. Rightfully so !
Ororeef @ 13:24 More a Suggestion Than A Command ?
Have to say so far the PM’s are holding up much better this ‘Season’. Following the general markets ? The Dow should not be setting records either at this time of year. Welcome to the ‘New Norm’ were nothing is like it used to be.
15:03 – slapdown
15:06 – snap back
i liked that.
Re Nukes
I bet Putin is just wondering if he should offer to get the Nukes back, seeing as how Obummer hasn’t the balls and I wonder how the MSM would play that announcement.
I really didn’t think we would see a worse President than the Peanut Farmer, but Obummer has totally eclipsed him, he make Carter look like Genghis Kahn.
well commish
we only have one choice. Load that turd up on a plane and throw him out over turkey without the parachute. That’ll fix it
Fearless Leader
US has lost control of nukes stored at Incirlik Airbase and is denied access. Troops stuck as well.
Sherrif Clarke is a true American and a roll model that all youth can look up to and respect that saves lives and walks tge talk.Instead they give some hypocrite race baiting anti American crime instigator like Sharpton that takes lives and doesn’t walk tge talk media time over the trouble he propagates while hiding in a safe place instead of stand up people like Clarke .
I just noticed a lot of miners dropped in unison from 11:00AM to 11:30AM. Anybody hear anything? I had my TV off.
Test. Going To See If I Got It Right
Just put a little skin in the game, betting the Dow drops. Here is my thinking, or perhaps lack thereof, but I made the bet. Im betting that as soon as Fall St can come up with a headline or two, doesnt even have to be true, they will flash crash the markets in the next couple days. Goldman and the rest cringe at the thought of Trump winning and I think they will try to send a message to the sheeple during the GOP convention that they must vote for Hillbery if they want the markets to do well.
Guess I will sip my ice lemonade and see what happens. I’ve been wrong so many times I quit keeping count. Course I learned everything I know about predicting markets from my hero on the reef. Morning Wanka !!