I always start with my index finger and never resort to the thumbs or toes until all other fingers are exhausted. :o)
Goldielocks and Farmboy thanks for your input
Goldielocks … I would guess that your problem has to do with the way your computer is handling cookies … blocking cookies from the Oasis.
I have to log in everytime I post unless I only use this site which I don’t lol Everytime I go somewhere else and come back I have to log in again to post and remember me check mark does no good.
Ipso & SNG
I get the ‘security code thing every now in then. Once a week maybe. For sure not having the issues SNG is having. FYI
Q. SNG; when you count on your hands do you start with the thumb or the pinkie finger? Might make a difference.
That sounds like a real pain in the keister!
I’m wondering (seemingly) why no one else is having this problem?
I will look into it further.
ipso facto @ 14:39…yeah, me too on the log in….about once per week or so
……and when I can no longer see “New” at the top that offers the choice of “post” or “Media” I must log in again. But this is different. I am still logged in and able to prepare a new post, but then comes up that stupid authentication thing that asks me 9+1….and occasionally when I say 10 (or whatever problem to solve) it says “your math sucks”, and I have to try again with some new problem. Now I know I’m not a math genius but as long as they don’t go over the number of my fingers and toes I can usually handle these types of problems…..so I assume sometimes my answer must be lost in cyberspace. The point is I am still logged in when I have to go through this crap again and again, and many times it is a burden on my time and temperament trying to get a post completed in the time I have to spare from my other responsibilities. Comprende?? :o)
silverngold @ 13:49
Re: Authentication process
I’m not having this problem. I have to re-log in about every week.
Is anyone else having a problem like SNG’s?
Gold Train
A colorful consist of contributions from three merged railroads, Burlington (CB&Q), Great Northern, and Northern Pacific, all come together as the newly merged Burlington Northern, running the “Empire Builder”… originally a Great Northern train.
Wanka is allegedly napping in one of those cars, but we’re not sure where. Even the cat can’t find him.
I guess it’s to controversial for the MSM to ask these race blamer after all said and done if what’s going on with the Clintons if she represent white privilege they’re talking about getting away with murder and all. We know it’s about corruption but if they want to put it out there Id like to see what they say. Voting for Hillary kinda hurts their credibility.
That authentication process is getting to be a real pain every couple times I try to post. It wouldn’t be so bad if it was well done and only required , say, once daily, but it is IMO a poorly constructed POS and more of a harassment than anything with its frequency and several step process. Also, many times after going through it there has been portions of text or videos dropped from the post that must be recovered and reinserted.
Anybody else grog to this or am I just having a bad day?? LOL!!!
What’s With This Dopey/Dollar??? Up Again Today???
This is really confounding me. I don’t know if its the “free market” futures traders driving it up? Or TPTB and the Fed helping it up thru Goldman? Or is it the foreign countries purposely devaluing against the dollar for THEIR own benefit?
Best Speech a US President Ever Gave!
Too bad he never got the chance to fulfill his dream for the American people. Instead we got his murderers, LBJ, CIA, Daddy Bush etc which led to Clinton, Baby bush, Obama, and (God Forbid) Hillary (puke).
Worth a listen in case you have forgotten!!
Seems like we are going to do something soon
AuNeophyte @ 12:28
In Turkey? If there aren’t already …
In the USA? Nightmare time? At least we have a pretty good separation between Church and state so that no public money should go into religious oriented schools. So the Moslems can’t grab a share ….
More Americans prefer cash or real estate to stocks
A surprising 54 million Americans said they preferred cash investments for money they did not need for 10 years or more, according to a recent report by Bankrate.com.
Overall, one quarter of Americans said real estate was the most favored investment option for savings they wanted to stash for over a decade, closely followed by cash. Stocks and precious metals were a distant third, tied at 16 percent, while bonds were the least popular at 5 percent.”
Comment : Stocks & PM’s tied at 16% ??? Really ? I had no idea we had such a following.
Can state funded/run Madrasa’s (plural madaris) be far behind?
Erdogan’s head full of mush … and it’s leaking out his earholes.
Erdogan Unleashes Unprecedented Crackdown: Fires All University Deans; Suspends 21,000 Private School Teachers
What, Congressman Steve King Asks, Have Nonwhites Done for Civilization?
So Congressman King is :
- Dumber than a sack full of bricks
- Has a serious drinking problem
- Hates Donald Trump and is willing to sink the republican party with minorities to make sure Hillary wins.
” Representative Steve King, Republican of Iowa, questioned the historical contributions of nonwhite “subgroups” during an appearance on MSNBC on Monday, igniting swift backlash online.”
Auandag @ 10:45 Perhaps This Is Our ( Yours & Mine ) Failure ?
Old codgers like us want to focus on the facts and issues.
The most important moment at the GOP convention was Rudy Giuliani
” In the end, most American voters make their choices based on emotional responses to the candidates personalities and images. Last night , Giuliani — much more effectively than Melania Trump — presented them with a personality and image of Donald Trump those voters can like.”
Comment: The author of this oped piece says Giuliani painted Trump as a ‘Good Man’. And thought perhaps the ‘Dumbocrats’ should find folks to say good things about Hillary. Now that is Hillaryious ! Good luck with that !
Auandag @ 10:45
The MSM has gone crazy over Melania’s speech. Ridiculously so!
Farmboy re: BG
That’s usually the case but he’ll never admit it!
Ipso, First We Have To Have The Cat Scratch His Toe
and wake the slacker up ! I think he is taking this nap stuff way to serious. Probably Buygolds fault anyway. 🙂
Auandag, Probably Should Print This Out and Tape Next To The Big Screen
Sometimes I forget, and actually think I am watching the ‘News’. LOL
Farmboy @ 10:16
Great quote. Hits to the heart of the matter.
Now … if we can just set Wanka on this problem …