I picked up a nice little profit by shorting silver yesterday. Will just set that off to the side until I see the ‘silver purge’ is over. It was the seasonal chart that made the decision to go short. As screwed up as these markets are, I was hoping the seasonal’s might just be in play in spite of.
Now the trade that is burning me I also made yesterday, and that was to short the DOW. Geesh !! How much higher can this pig go? And yet it eeks out another record high on low volume. The VIX is under 12. So I doubled down on that one. Guess I will see what tomorrow brings. If you want to run the DOW through your charts and could let me know what you are seeing ? Its ok if you come back and tell me next to BG opening up that bottom hatch this is the dumbest thing you ever heard. Besides, if I blow it on the short DOW trade I can always say “Its BG’s fault ” !