that while the index stuff that everybody watches like NUGT and JNUG are making lows for the DAY that my stocks are at their HIGHS and this has happened every time we have a DOWN DAY !! Could it be somebody is PAINTING the TAPE on “DOWN DAYS” ?, in GOLD STOCKS ? like they do in the DOW while most other stocks are down ! THe INDicies dont seem to be part of the BROADER MARKET ! How can that BE ? Do the INDICIES have a mind of their own?
Could it be someone is acting like the MEDIA propaganda in controlling Public Opinion ? They try to control GOLD BUGS actions ? How can this be ? BEWARE of “POPULAR” INDICIES !
BIG BROTHER is leading you astray ! How Crass of him,he has no scruples,no ethics ! He offends my sensibilities of fair play ! How do the Genteel Ladies feel about that ?