OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 14:14 on August 5, 2016  

Thanks, just taking notes. I posted it in FB too because I don’t think people are looking at the whole issues facing our country in ways politicians can make a difference. Not just special interest but the whole country. Demos are making a race issue out of poverty and the unemployed pulling the blame away from them. Then in same breath want to expand poverty by increasing the number of unskilled labor while we have education and employment skilled and non skilled issues here growing in numbers. This causes fear across the board when you feel your job is not secure. Of course that’s not to mention real wages stagnated 40 plus years ago. That seems when capitalism merged with socialism and wage disparities started to widen and big time stock holders because more important than the producers or even their very lives or those of their children. People can criticize those afraid to get off Gov. programs after getting raises. I can see since most eligible besides disabked have children that it’s because they are afraid they could be replaced by their jobs who will throw them to the streets on a whim these days. Not anymore than a construction worker working on a high rise 100 stories up without a tie down. If a woman with children getting a housing voucher gets off and that job doesn’t work out they will have no tie down to stop them falling to the street below. The list is so long tgat people have been on a list since 08 and still on the list and haven’t recieced it either living at home or in extreme poverty with no where to go as far as jobs. Even raising wages won’t help lack of job security. Immigrants driven here for higher wages replacing them won’t help. Both sides of parties are half ass about that. Demos preach raise wages while continue the outsourcing and Repubs decreasing taxes a bit but slowing immigration. But did they? The issue is still wage disparity and decision making profiting only them with the Demi Gog stock boards, and job security for the same reason. This also causes friction and insecurity at work places while working under less desirable working condition being taken advantage of.. Its creating a system of dysfunctional people then they blame the people. We need a new system where the workers have a say in wages, working conditions, which will include environmental  and impovments. That includes out sourcing which of course they won’t vote for but doesn’t rule out expanding on a equal trade basis. That CEOs can not make more than X amount compared to producers. Producers become their own board of directors. This will also require a better education that is more business like outside the corporate slavery box and on going education on the job. This is what capitalism is really about as well as democracy. Right now there’s no real difference between capitalism and socialism in the US.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.