Yeah, my insurance is ‘fire only’. Lloyds of Llondon 🙂 offers ‘catastrophic’ insurance for earthquakes & floods for $995/year. I didn’t get it. Not in a flood area, despite 150 inches rain annually, and the earthquakes are mostly minor. Home is 1 story on a slab that ‘floats’ nicely and has survived local earthquakes since 1972.
Hurricane ‘wind damage’ insurance is separate… $695/year. I didn’t get it. Threatening trees have been removed, and the house withstood the worst tropical storms in 2014 and ‘Darby’ just a month ago.
The only insurance I plan to continue is the ‘liability’ for a $million in case someone gets hurt on my property… I don’t want them owning my house. Cost is only $495/year.