Even the some of the Repubs are ganging up against Trump. They fear for their own reelection because of Trump. They do not get the people are angry about the old system and same politicians.
What their really angry at is the bankers and money lender but don’t know it. Big money will always fund who they want in office while nothing changes for the middle class or poor. These same people who give them what they want and tax breaks or no taxs in fact Theyll owe them money from all the borrowing they do to fund their programs. See how that’s working for Chicago and Detroit. But look who funded their mayors and law makers.
Now Hillary tells Detroit she’s gonna fix all that while taxing the rich. Yeah right. Where is she gonna get the money? They been borrowing so much their credit cards must be getting maxed out.
This is by R Wolff. It starts out slow then it picks up. It combines the US, France, Brit Exit similarity but in the end their gonna be even more angry because nothing’s gonna change. What’s happening in France will be about the same here if Hillary gets Im and you’ll see why when he gets to that part. Hope this is the one I have a few YouTubes saved.