and agree .I think from Mid August to November 1 we are at High Risk for a serious decline in DOW & S&P and that will put a drag on the Metals too ,but I wouldent sell them .! Because they will be the safe Haven,and getting back in will be impossibly difficult .You appear to be positioned for that scene very well .I tried for a short time to time the metals and had some shorts off season but that proved to be not such a good idea ..I fixed it just in time .It was difficult to get back in ,but I did it just in time.(a small position).(95% Long 5 % short)That told me that even in a Market decline dont sell metals for a short term play !
I got all the gain in the early gold run and still am there and will not trade out even if the S&P crashes because I remember how difficult it was get back in.JUST in Time ! It was a close shave !
I also think the Fed will use a Market decline to raise rates compounding problems ..(FED THINK) is WHEN YOUR IN A HURRICANE ,,why not let the Hurricane take away all the Garbage with it! Buy Right ,Sit Tight !