See if any of these descriptions fit Obama:
- CRAZY LIKE (OR AS) A FOX – “.seemingly foolish but in fact extremely cunning.” From “Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, Volume 1, A-G” by J.E. Lighter, Random House, New York, 1994. And from a second reference: Crazy (Dumb, Sly) Like a Fox. Smart and resourceful.
- The fox has been celebrated for centuries as a crafty animal. Its wiles were remarked in the ‘Trinity College Homilies,’ dating from about 1200. S. J. Perelman made one of the phrases (Crazy Like a Fox) the title of a book in 1944.” From the “Dictionary of Cliches” by James Rogers (Ballantine Books, New York, 1985).
- If you say, “He’s crazy like a fox,” you are saying that person is smart and can outwit other people. The image I get is that the actions of a fox appear a little crazy but he is in fact acting in a brilliant manner to save himself.
- I once thought Obama to be superficial, extremely shallow, a good BS’er, and not very bright. My opinion has changed over the past few years. I think he is working his plan, which is to destroy America, and about half of this country is too stupid to realize that. Hillary is Obama II and many dont get it.
- Good Morning to you, Im headed to town so leaving you in charge at the Oasis. Your first order of the day is to go wake up Wanka.