There is no advantage for them to be honest or tell the truth. Do not believe anything they say. They are focused and responsible for managing the entire global economy. All the so called trading partners.
USA peaked in 1975, (1970 actually) Japan peaked in 1989. All other countries peaked and dropped along with the Home Depot real estate boom bust around 2008, when Americans cut back on borrowing and spending on imported rat poison. They are new at experiencing economic contractions, can’t handle it, and crying like babies with a loaf under each arm.
That means the USA the worlds biggest most important part of the global economy, and Japan less so, have priority and are the most in need for stimulation. To help the USA the Fed has to lower the Dollar.
They raised the dollar abruptly in mid 2014, to give some relief to the cry babies, and then cut them off with a LOWER dollar after Jan 1st 2016. It not very likely imo that the fed will raise the dollar again to help them. They were throw a bone. We need the BEEF.