The Libards are Obnoxious, obnoxiously stupid, liars, and emotional. They consider themselves the “under dog”, so lying stealing cheating and exaggerating things is normal and fair to them.
They have been the dominant majority force thru all administrations and got their way for decades. They WON. PERIODD. Now there is absolutely nothing left for them to win after the 2008 meltdown.
I’ve never been happier watching everything go backwards on them all, including those global business interests that didn’t care one bit about the USA, until after that meltdown. Nothing left for THEM to win either.
Until the Joe Sixpack gets paid more to contribute more in taxes and contribute more consumer dollars for profits. Fair game and anything goes to screw Joe Sixpack, has changed to “endangered species”. Tax pigs, and anti American businesses are the last to suffer.
American manufacturing, farming, productive people and savers were punished first, so logic suggests they should get better first. First out first in. Last out last in is the tax pigs, and anti American global businesses are the last to get better in this transition evolving.