tropical update, media hype debunked. the “model” shows this location to presently have 22 mph winds. there is an actual weather recording station up the road at andara farms. they actually have a wind guage. i’ve been watching their live feed. the guage reads 4-7 mph with gusts up to 10.
i suspect there is a need for the meteorologists to “sell” news. even if they have to hype it.
there’s a “disaster industry” and the louder they squawk, the more funding they get.
plenty of rain, alternating light, steady with occasional bands of medium. nothing really heavy (yet) needeep, needeep, RIVET!
21:45 news reports say wind speed here is 44 mph. the live feed from the guage up the road says 8-10 with gusts to 12. still plenty of rain. needeep, RIVET!