All I can say it is a good thing I took my two girls fishing, camping, scuba diving, hunting, mountain trail hiking, etc. So when I ‘borrow’ the grandkids and return them home a little wet, or muddy, or with a few scratches, they just roll their eyes and go, ” Oh dad….” Well, one daughter did freak out a bit when I returned my Grandson with some blood on his shirt and his arms and hands bleeding. But I figured that is just part of appreciating that Blackberry Cobbler and jam all the more when you have a little ‘skin’ in the game. Nothing a bandaid and some Neosporin cant fix. 🙂
Now my son and his wife is a different story. My son had the same benefits as my daughters with all the adventures, but his wife, not so much. She has never been fishing, white water rafting, hiking, or played a game of touch football. She is a little more strict when I take her son out for a few hours. You wont believe the instruction manual she hands me, which pretty much insures we wont have any real fun, even down to the meals. I may take them to McDonald’s, but they have to eat apple slices instead of french fries. Whaaaatttt?? That is so UnAmerican, soooo Wrong ! They can only drink water or juice, no cokes, no coffee ! And there is this ceremony when I return em. There is a clothing check for mud, ketchup, rips, tears, and to see if they still have both socks on and shoes on the right feet. Then there is this physical inspection for bruises, scrapes, scratches, grass stains, dirt, missing teeth, she even looks in their ears.Now the way I figure it, they were breathing when I got em, and they are still breathing and we made no trips to the ER while out and about. Figure that is good enough. I did get the motherly evil eye once when a button was missing off a shirt. She did not seem satisfied in the least with my explanation that missing button probably saved his life when it got caught in one of the finger holds on the rock climbing wall. And my poor son who understands these things, he just hides in the corner while the inspection goes on. So no help there. And he thinks it a bad idea if I ask his wife if the kids have accidental death insurance. So I have not mentioned it to her. I did tell her, trying to comfort and ease her mind, that I had full liability insurance on my truck so if I ever took them ‘mudding’ and something happened, like say, I rolled the truck, any subsequent injuries they suffer would be covered, up to a million dollars.
Well, I have a few things to get done before game time so better get with it. Hope you have a great day ! Oh, one more thing about Grandkids and their parents I have learned. Probably not a good idea to be encouraging the grand kids on future employment opportunities such as becoming ‘Storm Chasers’. That one didnt go over very well. Some folks just dont have no sense of fun or adventure. I mean, look at RNO, he turned out ok. sorta. kinda. 🙂