the Putin/Obama handshake or the exposure of Hillary’s lying (cough) tongue. Guess I will go with the handshake.
When my kids were in their rebellious teenage years I responded by perhaps being a little too tough on them. My philosophy was pretty simple, “I would rather have their respect than their love.” The basis in part was how I seen other parents raising their children, which was to give them anything and everything they wanted. I felt then, and still do today, that comes back to haunt you, and them, in spades in years to come.
One of Obama’s issues is he has no respect from World Leaders as evidenced by his ‘welcome mat’ by the Chinese, and from Putin’s actions. Ororeef posted something awhile back that talked about the difference between JFK, and our current Democrat leadership. Kennedy had some run ins during his tenure as President, and while they may not have thought much of him, they at least gave him the respect so deserved. Kennedy’s money couldn’t buy it, his courage, strength, and moral values where not for sale. Instead, I think they were forged on a PT Boat and in the aftermath of that night. It was his ‘Trial By Fire’ that would later make the man you had to respect even if you did not like. Obama, has nothing to respect, has earned no respect. And America has suffered for it.