Looks like Ann’s been brainwashed by the Repubs. For one they’re trying to turn it into women’s rights vs men’s. Plus trying to get women to take the rap for what men did.
For another there is no party anymore. They are now bypartisan cronies working for themselves. Tit of tat wheelers and dealers run by the shadow ” unelected” government who uses names, now recycled like Bush jr. or Clinton or even puppets like Obozo to pander to the public while they work behind the scenes. They did it with Bush Jr. and what was the result. 911 and a ongoing war over his family’s oil interests still going on today with puppet obozo. Hillarys just another recycled name as they ” the shadow gov” run out of options. So if they have to prop her up and in and out of cars to do it they will. It was never about us it was about them and until people get that or there is no party anymore it will continue down the path of their real legacy. Death and destruction. Of Hillsry is saying she will increase refugees 5000 % she might as well say she plans on continuing the war taking as many people out with her as she can and their quest of controlling all of the Mid East oil interests.