I don’t know how the silver maples go but here the only thing you can really get spot for is the Eagles perhaps like the Maples there. I don’t think you can even get spot price for silver maples here, only Eagles.
But what is considered bullion usually doesn’t get as much as spot price. The best time to sell them is when spot is moving up but still the non eagle bullion usually doesn’t get as much. The down side of moving up the graded coins like MS 69-70 eagles won’t get more than spot unless they have some limited edition value but still considered billion but yet they will turn around and sell them for more. A eagle is a eagle no matter the grade less you sell privately. You’ll have to pass them down a few generations to be worth more.
Perhaps check some other coin sellers but usually they have to be recognizable and something ghey sell. I haven’t sold to them but seen their buy offers which are less than their sell offers.