Little old Ladies complaining that money is being stolen from their accounts and DONATED to HILLARY’S CAMPAIGN !
Hundreds of $25.00 donations repeatedly stolen from their accounts multiple times .Amounts are kept small so as not to be noticed until the customers complaints come in.. I suppose they will say it was a “GLITCH” in the system that will be fixed shortly “after” the election… refunds will probably be made after the elections …seems like WELLS FARGO needs someone to ride “SHOTGUN” over their customers accounts.. WELLS FARGO needs to be REIGNED IN ..and dismantled ! Bad enough they frauded their customers credit card s without permission ,now its little old Ladies checking accounts stolen $25.00 at a time…and listed as “Donations “to Hillary Clinton..four and five times a month !
Hundreds of complaints A DAY ! and that only until the rest of them notice the theft.!