OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 12:50 on September 23, 2016  

That was well said and kind of laughed at your liking to argue. Yes you do. You do make some points but arguments in free thinking are not necessarily about ” arguing with anger” but about facts and bringing out the good bad right wrong on both sides of a issue. Not something that turns physical or perceived to be. Not that you have in such a sense but some of the renarks you say we’re bias. Think of it this way, if you wouldn’t say it to a man your size don’t say it to a woman because you can. That’s something my brothers had to learn. I remember one of my brothers was irrating his older brother to the point he went after him saying that’s it. This brother for instance fot a professional boxing bag and as frustrating as brither can be hit the bag so hard it busted the seam and knocked it off the chain. So I got in the way of the two of them since they wouldn’t hit women.Then the little brother turned on me. I asked him why? He said because he hits harder. I told him in some term of your nose is above water and you can’t swim is it gonna matter what kind of water your in. Eventually he got his black belt to match his mouth. I don’t talk to him much but know why he has trouble in relationships. There are some people though there just more bookish learning type not the warrior type  Maybe they can but just not their personality.

As far as rights go woman have come a long way but some are diluted. They take things too far. The blacks are doing the same. They in effect want to try to boss them around. Perhaps maybe a personal thing where they were bossed around too much by their father or husband or both. Their idea of women’s lib is about personal gain due to some sort of resentment or narcissistic personality they take to far and nothing about the real issues. That’s not how you derive power in your life, you do it on your own. You don’t want to see your daughter on the other hand happening to her. You want her to have the skills be domestic or at work to move on if they are treated badly. I had a friend who was pregnant and found she got a sex related disease brim her cheating husband who was a cop. When she confronted him about it he Attacked her with a lead filled billy club. He fractured her skull broke bother her arms and hands. She almost died and they had to revive her on the table a couple of times. Things let up to that, he was a bully. She should of packed her bags and walked before then, preferably for her saftey when he wasn’t home. A woman can learn from her father these independent mind sets. She left him for good that time and wound up giving the baby uo for adoption. You don’t even have to be financially dependent. You can work outside the home but be emotionally dependent

As far as clubs and personal gain your right too. That’s what Hillary is doing and has done. She preaches women’s lib but is totally dependent on men  and their money to get where she was in positions. She takes money from the likes of Soros and Muslims where women have to rights. Then want to bring them here and money is probably onvolved. Another hypocrite. That’s why she thinks it’s her turn and try’s to make it a woman’s lib thing. She wants it handed to her despite all shes done that says she’s be a lousy, ” crooked” lying president that would be all about her. Just like blacks wanted a black president you have to think do you want this person representing you or do they want it so bad they’re willing to ignore the facts. How many people have gotten into bad relationships because they ignored those facts. Shes be more of the same as far as all for her and would throw anyone under the bus, even women to get what she wants. Well men git to be president so womans turn. It’s to a line at the store. Yeah maybe a woman can have a go at it but just not her. Look at Merkel. Woman are getting attavked and raped with her refugees on a daily basis, even a 10 year old boy in a pool locjker room and all she is doing about it is hiding it from the media. Another hippocrite and again for personal gain.

Yes on Wanka, I totally respect how he handled that situation. If it was Hillary or Merkel they would probably ask for a cut. The point is he and or therw handled it. Okay Wanka for president. Ps excuse the typos on my phone again and a lot to right with just my thumb.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.