maybe with a little background you might understand better about my view on Feminism .Mainly from experience and not some theoretical esoteric wishy washy stuff. Ya see the first case was from a sister in Law of my wife,she thought she was smart and independent minded.couldn’t manage her finances and asked if they could come to work for me when I moved to Virginia .I said yes and after 3 years she decided she didnt like living as a mother anymore and wanted her freedom.So she abandoned her children age 4-12 ..Well a judge told her the Husband would have to continue supporting her and the children ,He knew that and never thought otherwise .She told the judge (in front of the Children) “I dont want them anymore” ..the judge was speechless ,the kids were crying and yet let her out of her obligations.Why Ill never know..the husband never had a bad word with her ,worked 3 jobs (before they moved to Va.)..She told the JUDGE “He was BORING” ….Well she abandoned them and found another GUY. My wife & I ended up raising 8 kids age 4-12 ,my4 and her 4. Her father told her dont ever come to my house again without those kids.That fell on deaf ears. She was gone !…Well 20 years later none of the kids ever got into trouble with the Law,none are addicted to anything except smoking for awhile ! All graduated high school 4 from college …So this self styled feminist lost out on the four greatest kids when they needed her the most but now want very little to do with her .I gave them their first jobs ,taught them to earn their own money and manage it themselves unlike their mother … My wife took them to DR.s when needed looked after them and I saw to their financial needs and the Fathers employment even ,loaned him $5000 to buy a small house near his job. In that 20 years they never saw the mother..then she shows up one day and wants her kids to get to know her after they are grown.They want nothing to do with her.My wife is more forgiving than I am..
The other Feminist was a niece of my wifes ,another know it all feminist that tried to get the some of the kids to try marijuana while they were in my custody and visited cousins at her house .Well the kids knew our positions on that stuff .They notified us what she was doing ,trying to be popular with the kids knowing it was illegal.
Well I banned her from my house and the kids from ever visiting her again and they all agreed she was wrong.
She now resides in Jail for DUI ..3 offences in Va and you go to jail.
I say they were feminists because they both blamed men as an excuse to do what they really wanted to do and spouted a bunch of feminist crap ..
to AVOID any responsibility for their own actions…..So you see I have 20 years of feminist experience .!