from yesterday larry e
And now, for the big show tonight …
Dear xxxxxxxx,
If you’re like me and at least 100 million other souls in America, not to mention millions more overseas investors who are bound to tune in as well …
You’re just passing the day, like the markets are, waiting for tonight’s 9 PM first presidential debate between Hillary and Donald. It should be quite entertaining!
Who will win? I have no idea. But I do know whatever the outcome, there should be very little impact on the markets. And if there is one, it won’t last the morning session. By noon, it will be over and the major trends will have resumed.
Right now, the dollar is looking weak, gold and silver rallied last week a tad, as did bonds, and the stock market is down over 160 points.
Cycles for all but the dollar still point lower into October, but gold and silver must start sliding soon, or we may be faced – not with a cycle inversion – but a much higher low than I had expected (which would be more bullish then expected for this cycle low that is coming due).
That would then mean we would turn around and go long, for the next leg up would be to at least $1,400 and probably $1,500.
Right now, just sit tight, and enjoy this evening’s true reality show. For that’s what it really is. A reality show.
One candidate who’s deceptive, dishonest, full of conflicts of interest against another candidate who has the biggest ego on the planet, who routinely beats up suppliers and creditors of his business, who lies through his teeth and who thinks he knows everything there is to know about leading a country.
Both candidates are perfect for the supercycle hell our economy is already starting to feel and will last another four to five years.
But I’ll make a prediction right here and now, based entirely upon my reading of my AI models, volatility, timing from my neural net models and my knowledge of how past crises of the magnitude that is about to hit us have panned out. And I predict it from a completely non-partisan position.
Donald Trump is going to be the next president of the United States.
Best wishes and stay safe,
Philippines to suspend 20 more mines, boosting nickel price
re BTG dropping 10%:
Philippines to suspend 20 more mines, boosting nickel
Could this be another major reversal sign??? Foreign countries PRODUCTION, getting saddled and held down with environmental rules?
And I see hints of USA production getting UNSADDLED?? EPA getting wings trimmed here. Bottom line global producers doing cross border businesses are going to have trouble. Domestic miners might be the best bet.
Giant arctic gold mine takes one step closer
TMAC Resources Inc. (TSX:TMR) announced on Monday that Canada’s Nunavut Impact Review Board has okayed an amended mining plan for the company’s Doris North gold mine, the first stage of its Hope Bay project.
Toronto-based TMC said the receipt of the amended Project Certificate No. 003 for a much larger mine than previous owners of the property envisaged marks the completion of the NIRB process and that the agency now transitions to a monitoring role.
The water board of the northern Canadian territory is progressing with a related amendment to the water license for the Doris Mine according to TMAC’s statement:
I hope you’re right. Hillary speaks well but we know that the actual decisions which would come out of her administration would be poison for the citizens of the US.
No mention at all of the 100s of thousands of Syrian and other Moslem refugees that she wants to import into the US. No mention of the costs or jobs they would take or the percentage of refugee terrorists who would kill Americans. I would like to see this brought up in the next debate.
Trump did OK if not outstanding against her.
Just watched it all and have to say Trump did well, probably v well, as it is 3 debate, u gotta keep the best for last, so no foundation etc yet.
He talks sense, she talks politician, he has solutions, she has platitudes…..and he never let up on….you’ve had years to do all this and haven’t etc.
Hellary also went into the gutter at the end, Trump stood back and let her, but then warned I could have gone there but decided not to….not yet etc. I think she used up a lot of what she has, whereas he didn’t scratch her charge sheet.
Mining companies which may have operations suspended in the Philippines
The list of 20 Philippine mining firms in the firing line
Right here. And even though Masbate isn’t one of them, B2 is off 9% at the bell. Go figure.
Update..oops, my mistake, the subsidiary Filminera is named. Makes more sense, I need to drink my coffee earlier in the day.
•Libjo Mining Corporation
•AAM-Phil Natural Resources Exploration and Development Corporation – Parcel 1 and Parcel 2B
•Krominco Incorporated
•Carrascal Nickel Corporation
•Marcventures Mining and Development Corporation
•Filminera Resources Corporation
•Strongbuilt Mining Development Corporation
•Sinosteel Philippines HY Mining Corporation
•Oriental Synergy Mining Corporation
•Wellex Mining Corporation
•Century Peak Corporation – Rapid City Nickel Project and Casiguran Nickel Project
•Oriental Vision Mining Philippines Corporation
•CTP Construction and Mining Corporation
•Agata Mining Ventures Incorporated
•Hinatuan Mining Corporation
•Benguet Corporation
•Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company
•OceanaGold Phils, Incorporated
•Adnama Mining Resources, Incorporated
•SR Metals, Incorporated
Mind you, the drop in OceanaGold ( ( this morning does have more fundies to back it up.
The Philippines is not a good place to be a miner
(MELBOURNE) OceanaGold Corporation (TSX/ASX/NZX: OGC) (the “Company”) notes that in a press conference held today by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (“DENR”) Secretary Lopez and Senior Undersecretary Jasareno, OceanaGold Didipio operation was mentioned as one of the 23 mining companies listed that may have their operations suspended, due to alleged outstanding social issues.
The Company confirms that it has not received any formal order from the department and is currently seeking clarification and further details. In the meantime, mining and processing activities are continuing at the Didipio Mine. The Company will consider all avenues, including working collaboratively with the DENR, to facilitate the immediate resolution of this matter to ensure no disruption to our operations and our valued local workforce.
Mick Wilkes, President and CEO said, “We pride ourselves, and have been recognised on numerous occasions, for being a responsible mining company with a long history of operating to the highest industry standards on health, safety, environment, community and sustainability. We are disappointed with the statements made earlier today and will seek clarification and reconsideration from the DENR to further understand and rectify this matter in short order.”
No discussion of illegal immigration, Moslem immigration, or the Clinton foundation
Why leave your big guns at home?
Obama power plant rules face key test in U.S. court
WASHINGTON, Sept 27 (Reuters) – The centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s climate change strategy, federal rules curbing greenhouse gas emissions mainly from coal-fired power plants, faces a key test on Tuesday when opponents try to convince a U.S. appeals court to throw out the regulations.
Twenty-seven states led by coal-producer West Virginia and industry groups are challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan rules before 10 judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
They argue that the EPA overstepped its regulatory authority under the federal Clean Air Act when the agency issued the rules, which the U.S. Supreme Court has put on hold while the case is litigated.
During Tuesday’s arguments, these opponents will face off in court against the EPA, 18 states, corporations including Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google, and a number of cities that support the regulations.
Yesterday I saw a suggestion that Trump voters wear red to the polls
to highlight election fraud . ( if videos show 75% of voters wearing red , and the returns give Trump only 10% of the votes , we’d know the vote was rigged ).
Bet me that Hillary wears red on Election Day , as she did last night , to thwart that effort .
Nothing By Accident
Hillary walks on stage dressed in Trump red. Donald J is wearing a tie of Hillary blue. Jill Stein (Green Party) who has has gotten 8% of the vote gets escorted off the Hofstra campus by the authorities.
Odds move in Hellary’s favour after debate…typical Brexit trick
Money will have been put on Hellary to move the odds in her favour, after the debate….this is what they did in Brexit…
Trump is back out to 2/1 etc….a gift .
Watching a rerun of debate…so far Trump is cleaning her ugly clock and she is setting herself up for a huge fall, by talking about his taxes, with the Clinton Foundation out there…she is mad……
Gold Train
The Royal Gorge. The Rio Grande built a rail line thru this ever-narrowing canyon to get to Tennessee Pass, their southern route over the continental spine. After the merger with Union Pacific, the UP stopped using Tennessee Pass due to it’s extreme 3% grade and helper locomotives required. It was more economic to route traffic over the Moffatt tunnel route out of Denver, with much easier grades of 2%. Now the Royal Gorge is the home of the Canon City & Royal Gorge excursion trains through this hidden beauty.
I couldn’t watch
The whole process sickens me. I don’t vote anymore, either. It does no good, but gets your name registered with the local government. I expected something more spectacular out of Trump… or a total flub up by the witch. But the reports are all about homogeneous gruel.
All those for Trump it isn’t going to change anything it’s the ones on the fence he has to worry about. He also needs to not let her side track the issues about the economy like what good did NAFTA do if she claims it was a good thing. Yeah maybe for Mexico or China. It will do little good in the future anyways as China will be faced with the same issues. Aging population less kids but smart enough not to take in paracites making it worse. Despite what business are reaping with trade the workers are still poor. Pulling out more dollar facts on the costs for their pay for play scams. Make it harder for her to deny it. The real reasons for this war and how they use it for their platform. Her constant lies. That her claiming trickle down economics was non existent anyways because they had loopholes for the rich and still do but cost of living went up for everyome else. That they also allow predatory pricing from everyday needs to medicine even if they did theyd pass it on to us. No mention of heath care disaster either. He needs to make sure he has a plan with that as low income or disabled have to know their medical will not be interrupted. He has to have a number for low income to fall in and eliminate pre existing to only a certain percentage. If the eliminate it all together it will drive prices up for everyone. There needs to be a cap on pricing for medical too. It’s going rouge with greed. Just saying he’ll bring prices down on the open market isn’t good enough for low and fixed income. However how they have it now the more you make the more you pay which is also predatory. They did not hit on any issues that could show what Hillarys all about other than what Trump brought up. He could of pointed out with her free education what jobs will they go to? A few things,
Also if you ask a millennial who won the civil war he or she won’t know with today’s education but if you ask them who Ice Cube or Brad Pitt is they will know. I see no commercials for Trump. Maybe one but he needs more and fast.
Hello Macro
Media BIAS
I think Trump had to spend too much time debating Lester Holt who kept interrupting him and never Hillary ,a clear media Bias . Trump was in a position of looking like he’s attacking a woman who is sickly so he didnt do it …
He should have attacked like he did during the Republican debates .He should have driven her to exhaustion ,he failed to do that .If criticized he could simply say Putin and the Muslims would treat her far worse …If she cant deal with Trump . HOW would she do against Putin & the Muslims ? She came prepared ,he played it by ear .Now she looks like she can do it so he really needs to be Trump and play hard BALL from here .. She came off looking like she can handle it,so with that out of the way he can attack her with impunity from here on out. …The fems cant complain NOW ! That may have been a strategic play given all the sympathy she got from women.NOT so NOW He needs to make up for lost time !
Dow has a green light now to 20 000. Years ago I thought R640 was on glue too for that prediction…
Not so much now, in fact I think he is low now…Zimbabusa, here we come.
I’d like to say ha ha you Yanks are facked but really, we all are.
Yikes, my worst scenarios are gellin because of Yellin and Herr Hillary.
On the bright side (the non nuclear flash), once the system crashes on Hill’s watch, there is nothing else to blame but Demoncrats. The Bush/Clintoon/Bush/Obama alternating clustermucks will be interrupted by 2 term Demoncrats, coincindently ending with Caligua’s wife.