In California were all of a sudden having a lot of emergency drills on TV going on. I was wondering if their planning some sort of Flase flag event or something we don’t know.
Then I see your post but if a EMP then tuning in wouldn’t do any good. The tuning in seems kinda a joke to me. We know what happens in a disaster, nothing, it’s fend for yourself. If they drop food off many of those places would be a danger to go to anyways. Riots and all.
I looked this up after your post. Question is if it’s not a hoax perpetrated by the never Trumps how do we know he said it not someone else.
Some that have expedience with nuke plants might beable to tell if this has any ring of truth in it. That a EMP would cause a melt down like Fukashima. If you open the link hit the X on your screen right corner or spam will pop up.