Because the money printed loaned out and or circulating, is FAKE. Only paper. On a Gold standard, GOLD would be loaned out, and repayment back in Gold very important. But that’s not the case.
The replacement or substitute “money” is REAL ESTATE. This is what the tax pigs want. Because you can’t move it or hide it. Everybody knows how much “substitute money” you have by looking at the market value of your property.
The above is why TPTB are so protective of real estate. The banks are up to their asses in real estate loans. If real estate collapses in value, its a net CONTRACTION of substitute money supply.
After market values drop, you are entitled to lower property taxes also. At least the real estate is an object that can’t disappear. Stocks and bonds, also money substitutes, made of paper, IOUs, are a different story.
So, the only thing that matters, is the ability of gov’ts to collect taxes. And so far, they are having partial trouble because of abnormally low wages in the tax payer private sector.
The Unionized tax absorber public sector gets paid more, but they are tax neutral, taxes THEY pay are gleaned from taxes PAID by the tax payers. When tax absorbers pay taxes, they are paying taxes to themselves, and should be considered an illegal “kick back”.
The above story does not include public service civil service, or gov’t vendors that live of tax payers. And or all the various occupations that are supported by gov’t. Like real estate, medical, airlines, accountants, auto mechanics check engine lights etc.