I have learned to turn this question into an advantage in using the most precious commodity I own – which is TIME. I may be the loser by missing out on useful opinion and information, but over the past two or three years now my browsing time has been greatly reduced for a very significant number of internet sites. Unfortunately this includes sites like SGT Reports and Goldtentoasis. My starting assumption these days is that any link posted on these sites is suspect and that there is no great loss of useful information of one just passes over the posted link.
Sticking one’s head in the sand seems like a silly reaction, but I do get the benefit of saving precious time my not having to read poppycock. It is unfortunate that Goldtentasis too, like many other internet sites, is faced with this weakness of the internet system of disseminating information, analysis and opinion.
Despite my streamlining of browse time of links posted on Goldtentoasis, I do still appreciate the occasional expression of investment opinion of those who post regularly on Goldtentoasis.