Not that we matter, with less than a third of one percent of the US population… but Hawaii has been a ‘Democratic Machine’ state forever. There are Hillary ads on TV here, attacking Trump as unstable and unreliable. Laughably out of touch, IMO. No Trump ads seen on TV, but various Trump bumper stickers about town. Saw my first local ‘Hillary’ bumper sticker today… uniquely local with a Plumeria flower on. Looking at the car, with other female political ‘perenial party candidates’ stickers on it, it became apparent this female driver was a mucky-muck of the local Democratic party… just following the party line.
There is a noticeable lack of Democratic party public face time supporting Hillary, though. I’m thinking they’re privately embarrassed the way this circus show is going.
But we don’t matter, way out here in the Pacific, six time zones from the east coast. Usually the networks are projecting a winner already before the polls close in Hawaii… which pisses off the local politicians to no end.