A recently hacked email of John Podesta finds him saying “she (Hillary) has begun to hate everyday Americans”. No doubt the same feelings were voiced by Nicolas Ceaucescu. It turned out the feeling was mutual……All Socialists will end up the same they cannot isolate themselves .The Ceaucescus were so bad they claimed the children belonged to the STATE and they SOLD them for adoption to US citizens for $10,000 each when they wanted MORE money .There view of Americans was they are Stupid ! Money was important,and Romanian children were white, desirable easily adoptable and were a renewable resource to be exploited by the State. THATS a SOCIALIST Clinton private view ,not their public view.As we can easliy see money is so important to the Clintons ,nothing is too vile its a means(corruption) to a ends (money).
Contrast that to the Trumps that create something useful and beautiful to their get to their ends .
HOW.. you do it makes a big difference ! One has CLASS the other NONE !