will fix all the problems AND the DEMOCRATS will pay for it !
because if they dont Hillary wont get her Pardon !
He will get Border Control,Term Limits,Supreme court appointees approval ,the who shabang or she wont get her Pardon PERIOD and he wont say so until AFTER its all a done deal ,he not a STUPID negotiator ,AS they used to say when I was a KID …he dont telegraph his Punches. He dosent threaten ,He does. He knows what he’s doing ,I understand his thinking ,I worked with New Yorkers ..they play Hardball. Firm, Fair, Consistant.! She gets nothing until he gets everything ! and he dosent say so until its all locked up and the democrats PAY for IT. ! in CASH !
And if nothing happens to him or his Family AFTER four Years . Then she gets it !