That was a nice story. I saw one of my daughters on FB who showed a pic of a old fashioned washing machine and guessed it was a washing machine. It had the roller on top I remember a great Aunt on a farm using and helping her with as a young child.
You have to remember that was a nuclear family then. It was a time when ” family” was being promoted by the MSM. I’m pretty sure what they were doing was promoting children. They were building a census. The hype seemed no less than three children. Wife was to stay home have kids and be standing in the kitchen with a apron on cooking something good in their new modern kitchen and tending house. This generation most had the benefit of extended family support. They neglected one thing, that women may have wanted more than being a cook and may have wanted a career too. That they wernt as stupid or helpless as the hype was playing them. It appeared to be frowned upon except perhaps in some bigger inner cities. If they had careers prior they were expected to stop them for the most part. Was all a hype. Did not being stuck in a situation simply because you were born in it per the American way only meant for men? Yes in some countries but not in America right? In India they have cast systems. What ever cast your born in that’s where you stay. Muslims, if you marry outside also a sort of cast system they will kill you.
Then things changed for the next generation. But yet while growing up girls were not prepared for any carrear less they went out did it themselves for many because of the cast system of prior generation. Women were limited to sewing, painting, things like that if they did do anything. Women working outside the home the men were looked down on as not being able to provide for their family. Before that generation women married older men because they matured slower and it was a matter of survival. If they married young they were dangerous and had no need to grow up to get married because they already were.
After the peak of the baby boomers they became less valued as now the population had been attained. The close ties of family were no longer there for many because the prior generation was rather spoiled now. They remembered the depression and became materialistic putting distance from then and the now. The next generation started going the other way seeing that as not the only meaning of life.. Stuff.. We started having less kids for more than one reason including population. The family hype with mom staying in the kitchen with the increasing inflation that went with it was out so what did they do next? Immigration and look the other way to illegal immigration. Instead of planning to keep the quality of life they in their brain dead mentality spend it and just bring in more people for tax revenue. The descrepency between wages and inflation grew. Instead of creating jobs by lowering taxes for billionaires they raise them. They have only short term forethought that’s almost hand to mouth mentality. Next gen has even less kids than us simply because they can’t afford it and again see the over population. What’s their answer? Even more immigrafion. Insanity. Like a drunk at the wheel.
Anyways IMO the generation we grew up in was a hype perpetrated by the government and growing businesses to increase the population and like today put out by the media.we were just a commodity.