Who cleared her for a JOB that obviously needs top secret clearance ? She comes from a family of Radicals ,she lived in Saudi Arabia for years .What bird Brain cleared her ? Obviously the Saudi s bought her the JOB with Payola (pay to Play) .Why wasent congress required to approve someone with State Secrets ? She is going to be the SPY of the Century ! Infiltrated via cash Donations !
The Democrats were outraged enough to BAN PAYOLA in the Music industry that THEY dominate ,Why does it get ignored in Government ?FAR MORE serious; involves National Security ! Theres no such thing as a friendly Muslim Government when all of them are 5 minutes away from radical Takover ! How stupid can Democrats be ….thats not a challange ! They obviously are so corruptable they should all be banned from Government ! Democracy is nothing but MOB RULE …The Founders gave us a Republic where Land owners and MEN could vote …THEY are being proven right again and again ..!