After a life long observation of the “situation” I concluded long ago, TPTB can do globally anything they want. (to a point) They and their media can make or break a country, make or break an occupation etc. How?
Via currency exchange rates, tax rules and incentives, environment rules etc, they picked the winner and loser occupations and winner or loser businesses. They also ALWAYS picked our “groomed” selection for choice for president.
At this point in time, globally speaking, there is no longer any global practical or financial advantage for the global powers to maintain the past objectives, (taking from the USA) therefore, Hillary for president is not going to happen.
All the negative news coming out against Clinton, and all the media exposure for Trump, and the “new direction” Trump talks about is not a coincidence. It’s all engineered, or they are simply letting nature take its course, with a little extra help.
My thoughts years ago was that, if we don’t like either choice, we can take away a vote from each side. And if they get enough negative votes, they need to give the people two more choices.