Another widely held wrong opinion was “The inflationary ’70s”. The inflation (increase money supply) was 1934 to 1971. After ’71 to ’81 was actually REMOVAL of money supply with high interest rates, that led money into CDs and banks, where it can’t get spent. And curbed borrowing to spend. Add cheap imports, to get CPI prices and labor costs lower.
Anybody that does not like Trump, I have to assume are not patriotic or nationalist, very happy all there lives and saw nothing wrong with what happened to the USA. No complaints about the media propaganda etc. Happy with the US gov’t and foreign policy etc. Happy with immigrants, enjoy imports, happy with political correctness etc.
Prices did go up in the 1970s, because of 1934 to 1971 increase in money supply, but after ’71, money was REMOVED. There is always a time lag. After ’81 commodity prices FELL for 20 YEARS and a strong dollar policy. That shut down our industries.