The moral outrage of the real America is about to let loose .When so many young people have no compass and vote for sound bytes instead of reasoning .The economics system that those of the Greatest Generation created was not created to squander on immoralty and indulgence but the system has been hyjacked by Pirates and thieves .The adults that shed their blood and tears since WW2 will not stand idly by and let Banksters and criminal Politicians loot and pillage,they know how to fight real bloody wars and will do it again if needed .They might have to destroy what exists in order to rebuild it if it cannot be patched up .Maybe a depression will give them some backbone or possible a War ,but they will learn one way or the other ! Theres NO free lunch.
If the Clintons are elected and criminality is allowed to reign,there will be a high price to pay !Fasten your seat belt !
Just because you get elected dosent mean its your turn to loot and Pillage ! Its your responsibility to leave America a better place than you found it !