She was an imposing figure as I remember her ,she personified America with her voice .That was an era when Patriotism had real meaning 1940’s . Very trying times they were…big Sacrifices from all created people of good character and steadfast citizens ….As difficult as the times were I have fond memories of strong people,I was exposed to lots of young men dying and coming back “shell shocked” as they used to call it,suicides were not uncommon.I was 5 to 10 years old and it was a sobering time to be a child….I wasent SAD , ,just a very Sober matured child and stayed that way ! War does different things to people, some cope ,some fall apart ! I learned to think without emotion clear and concise ,some mistakenly say its meaness if you dont get emotionally involved … todays standards ,they have no idea what War is .Emotions dont solve problems ,I learned to solve problems.It was like military training ,the 1940’s turned boys into men,girls into good nurses able to cope with horrendous sights . A very Sobering time ! Kate Smith helped everyone get through those times ! She was the right singer for the right time!
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