You can see the immigration trail on that map in many of these states with blue. Plus now people don’t even need to show ID to vote. You know why they do that not for citizens but non citizens. That we have to jepordise our elections because someone is too lazy to get a ID or has a warrant and doesn’t want to go there? The state should allow a ID to those who have no income and those who can’t get out like disabled can fill out a form to the office wth their social security number. I guess it would take a brain or doers to coke up with a solution, They should have checks and double checks because I seen mistakes. Like discouraging eligible voters to vote and letting people vote who shouldnt. That mistake was a honest and lack of communication to the person doing it then blaming her. That and a better hands on orientation because good luck with that when the people start pouring in and working with people who don’t know as much as they should or passive agressive Dumbocraps. I say demos because it isn’t ghe Repubs like they try to say. There should be checks and double checks at the office where they count as I saw counting mistakes. Not on purpose in this case or because of someone giving misinformation or half information ” passive agressive” but being overwhelmed and tired with long hours.
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