and the Governor dosent stop them ….go ahead ,just dont apply for Federal Funds to rebuild with .!
Same for every city doing the Same The governors need to MAN up and take control because the Incoming administration is going to take requests for Financial assistance from the Federal Government and throw them in the Trash !
Men dont threaten ! Obamas not a MAN…he’s a WUSS.
TRUMP should say NOTHING ! until after JAN 20 then he will ACT and not threaten ! They will not get advance warnings thats not his style ..Watch what he does ,because he will say nothing in advance ,he will give the Media nothing in advance for them to attack ..hes not that stupid ! They will always be afraid of him ,and they should be …that will restrain them… NEVER Knowing what he will do ! Same with his Foreign Policy ! No MORE TELEGRAPHING your PUNCHES as we used to say in NJ… ( I did a little boxing as a TEEN… for the (PAL)) .. You dont know whats going to HIT you ,so dont push ypur LUCK….